Photographs of Dr. Calum Bartlett: Barra, The Outer Hebrides, 1975

And so my little series continues. We are winding towards the end though. These are from 1975, the jeans are getting wider and the hair is getting longer. Not for my Mum though. Here she is on one of the many wonderful beaches – this is as close to the water as she ever got! Cigarette in hand, all our belongings near her as we ran off to the sea…stylish duffle bags and plenty of towels – very much needed to try and warm up after a dip in the Atlantic!

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My brother Tom in our boat, just outside Harbour Cottage. That’s ‘Dolina’s Rock

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Tom and Mum.


My brother Michael with an impressive beard for a 19 year old! He’s with his Aberdeen University friend Seamus Grant from Aviemore.

img 335 Michael and Seamus, Barra, Oct 1975

Michael again, this time with Murdo, holding a salmon caught at the mouth of the bay.

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The famous Barra rock, it looks like the profile of Queen Victoria!

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Tom with Harbour Cottage behind him (the one with a roof).

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Donal Iain.

Sept 1975 img 172

I love this picture. It’s my Dad’s cousin, Aunt Eileen and her daughter Dolina. Always special times when they were on Barra with us.

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The picture at the very top has gone quite psychedelic for some reason. Anyway, it’s us in the boat with Father Calum on the shore. We visited him on a small island near Barra called Eriskay, where he was the priest. The weather turned very rough when we were due to leave , as he waved us off he said, ‘Go with God but for God’s sake go now’. By coincidence he taught at Salesian Collage in Farnborough and would come to our house for tea on Sunday evenings before going to be the priest on Eriskay.


  1. I love looking at these photos. They remind me of my childhood holidays in Wales and also of holidays with my children mainly on Barra. A very special place, hoping to visit again next year.

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